FIA Guide for the Disabled Traveller

To mark this year’s UN International Day for Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2011, the FIA is launching a major update of its online guide for disabled travellers so that it is now also accessible in French, German and Italian.

Click here to access the FIA Guide for the Disable Traveller.

“The FIA’s guiding principle is to ensure safe, affordable and clean mobility for all.  Our comprehensive online guide helps disabled drivers in their day-to-day mobility by providing information on their right to parking privileges worldwide,” said Christian Scholly, Chairman of the FIA Legal & Consumer Working Group in Brussels. 

In line with this initiative, the FIA is also supporting the European Disability Forum’s 2011 campaign on ‘Freedom of Movement’. The campaign aims at combating the barriers to freedom of movement experienced by persons with disabilities wishing to make use of their right to work or study in - or simply visit - another Member State.

 “Mobility is one of the most important pre-conditions to social inclusion as it enables citizens to remain independent and active in their local communities”, said Mr Scholly, who added, “We fully support the European Disability Forum’s campaign on free movement for all: in our view, persons with disabilities should face no additional burdens in their day to day mobility.”

Knowing which countries accept the parking card of a disabled visitor from another country is essential information for disabled travellers; and so is being aware of the local parking rules and concessions, which vary between countries, and even within countries.  

The FIA’s advice to disabled travellers visiting another country is:

Check the country’s entry in the FIA Guide for the Disabled Traveller to see if your parking card will be accepted - and what kind of local parking rules are in place. 

Because there can be local variations that we are not aware of, when you arrive check again if your parking card can be used - local people, police and parking officials will want to help, so don’t be afraid to ask!

Take advantage of the parking concessions only if you are sure you can use your parking card.