AA Rescue Service Terms and Conditions

Please note that the terms of the General Policy Terms and Conditions is applicable to this policy document and its terms are accordingly incorporated herein as if specifically incorporated, mutatis mutandis.

  1. Definitions
    1. AA Rescue Service”: the service offered by us as outlined in clause 3;
    2. App”: the software application available to AA Members and to the general public provided by us in the Republic of South Africa and any upgrades from time to time and any other software or documentation that enables the use of the App;
    3. User”: yourself.
  2. Licence
    1. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, and revocable licence to use the App in accordance with these terms.
    2. We may amend or terminate the licence to use the App at any time and for any reason.
    3. Upon termination, the rights and licences granted to you herein shall terminate and you must cease all use of the App.
    4. AA Rescue App support is available on 011 799 1696 Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.
  3. AA Rescue Service
    1. If you are a paid-up AA Member, AA Rescue Service assistances will be provided from your benefits entitlement. If you have exhausted your benefits entitlement, assistances will be provided at AA Preferred Rates. If you are not an AA Member, AA Rescue Service assistances will be provided on a pay-on-use basis.
    2. If we receive an AA Rescue alert via the App registered in your name, we will attempt to contact you to confirm the type of assistance you require.
    3. Should we not be able to contact you after 3 (three) attempts, we will attempt to contact your nominated emergency contacts using the information provided by you. Your emergency contacts may instruct us to send assistance to the location of the originating alert (if we are able to obtain the location).
    4. If you are a paid-up AA Member but have exhausted your benefits entitlement, or if the assistance falls outside your benefits entitlement, or if you are not an AA Member and choose not to become one, we shall require pre-payment by credit card from you or your nominated emergency contact before we provide assistance. Alternatively, your nominated emergency contact may instruct us that you will pay for the assistance in cash upon our arrival, and you agree you will be liable for the cost thereof. No assistance will be rendered if no payment is received.
    5. By nominating your emergency contacts, you are authorising them to make the above decisions on your behalf.
    6. Should we be unable to get hold of you or either of your nominated emergency contacts after 3 (three) attempts and you are a paid-up AA Member with assistances remaining in terms of your benefits entitlements, we shall send out assistance to the location of the originating alert (if we are able to obtain the location).
    7. Should we be unable to get hold of you or either of your emergency contacts after 3 (three) attempts and you are not an AA Member, or are an AA Member with no assistances remaining in terms of your benefits entitlement, we will take no further action.
  4. User Acknowledgements

You agree/acknowledge that:

    1. The App is provided "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranty of any kind.
    2. To use the App, you are required to have a compatible mobile telephone or handheld device (and where applicable, airtime and internet access).
    3. To be eligible to receive the AA Rescue Service you must:
      1. register with us; and,
      2. receive a confirmation message from us to validate your registration.
    4. It is your responsibility to ensure the information you provide to us (particularly your own contact details and those of your nominated emergency contacts) is always accurate and up to date.
    5. You will only use the AA Rescue Service and App for the purposes for which they are intended and not for any commercial or illegal purpose.
    6. The App is provided over the internet and mobile networks, and so its quality and availability may be affected by factors outside our control.
    7. All trademarks, copyright, database rights, and other intellectual property rights of any nature in the App and the AA Rescue Service, together with the underlying software code to the App are owned by us.
    8. You will not, nor allow third parties on your behalf, make or distribute copies of the App; attempt to copy, reproduce, alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange, or translate the App or create derivative works of the App of any kind whatsoever.
    9. You have no further right in or to the App other than the licence referred to in clause 2.
    10. Save as set out in clause 2.4, we will not be responsible for any support or maintenance of the App.
    11. We may amend the AA Rescue Service and the App at any time.
    12. You will be responsible for all charges levied by your mobile network provider for access to its network while downloading and using the App, or any such third-party charges as may arise.
    13. By downloading the App, you agree that we may contact you with marketing and other communications. Should you wish to opt out from receiving such communications from us please email aasa@aasa.co.za. This does not apply to communications related to you as a user of the AA Rescue Service.
  1. Limitation of Liability
    1. Under no circumstances will we or our technology partner be liable for any losses or damages of any kind whatsoever arising from your use of the App or the AA Rescue Service or any non-availability thereof, including consequential losses or damages of whatsoever kind or loss of profit or the like, whether or not in the contemplation of the parties and whether based on breach of contract, delict (including negligence) or otherwise.