How to stay safe while you’re out and about

How to stay safe while you’re out and about | AA

While we want to wind down, relax and go on holiday, as South Africans we need to be aware of how to stay safe. Whether you’re visiting a mall, going to the beach, or just being out and about in the summer weather, we have compiled some tips to help you stay safe.

At the mall:

While a day of shopping may seem like a relaxing outing, and a mall may be relatively secure, you still need to ensure that you are safe while going about your day. 

  • Don’t carry large amounts of cash on your person, instead use a card secured by a PIN for your shopping.
  • Try to avoid drawing large sums of cash at an ATM in one go.
  • Don’t wear your most expensive jewellery to the outing, or carry around unnecessary valuables.
  • Familiarise yourself with the mall layout, where to find the customer service desk and mall security.
  • For the ladies: make sure that your handbag can close properly and do not use open pockets to carry smaller items like your cellphone.
  • Always be vigilant of your surroundings, and be careful of people bumping into you or trying to distract you, especially in queues or in crowds.

At the beach:

Sun, sea and sand sound like bliss. But even though letting your hair down with the family sounds like a plan, you need to take care of your personal belongings while you’re at the beach.

  • Do not take too many items to the beach with you. Only take what you need, and what can keep an eye on at all times.
  • Do not take your entire wallet with you - only take small amounts of cash with you in case you want to buy some treats.
  • Do not take electronics such as tablets and phones with you. If you do take your phone, always keep it on your person, or leave it with a family member or friend.
  • Do not leave your items unattended. Make sure there is always someone around to keep an eye out.
  • Do not let your children wander off unattended. There should always be an adult within arm’s reach of any children.

While you’re out and about:

Summertime is the ideal time for taking strolls, jogging or just being outside enjoying a picnic with your family. You can stay safe and enjoy some time out.

  • Do not visit deserted areas or dark, isolated areas - instead, go where there are people around, and where it is well-lit.
  • Always keep an eye on your belongings - do not leave them unattended.
  • Only take what is necessary - electronics and handbags are easy to snatch from you.
  • If you’re jogging: do not jog while it is dark, instead jog in daylight where people are around. Only carry essentials with you on your jog, and try not to go jogging alone.

If you’re going out at night:

From sundowners to late dinners, summer is the ideal time to go out with family or friends. We have some tips to ensure you are safe when you’re out enjoying yourself.

  • When using a taxi service, always verify the vehicle and driver before getting into the car.
  • If you’re going clubbing, don’t leave your drink unattended, and never accept drinks from strangers.
  • Only take a small bag with you, containing the necessities. This way you can keep it with you, even if you’re dancing up a storm.
  • Never go out alone - always have your friends with you.
  • Plan your routes, and let your friends know how and when you will be arriving.
  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol. Rather have a designated driver in your group of friends who will ensure you get home safe or use a trusted taxi service to get back.


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