Travel Update - Alert Level 1

Travel Update – Alert Level 1

In line with the government’s move to Alert Level 1 of lockdown, international travel advisories have been issued by the government which come into effect on 1 October 2020.

According to government, “travelers intending to visit the country will be expected to produce a coronavirus test not older than 72 hours from the time of departure from the country of origin to South Africa”. This test must be conducted by a certified medical practitioner, and should have the name and signature of the practitioner who conducted the test.

In addition to the certified tests, travelers must provide a proof of accommodation in South Africa should they need to self-quarantine at the time of arrival in the country.

According to the government, “Should a traveler display any COVID-19-related symptoms, or been in contact with an infected person/s, they will be expected to take a mandatory COVID-19 test. This test will be at the traveler’s cost. If the test comes back positive, the traveler will be subjected to a 10-day quarantine at a designated site. The accommodation at quarantine site will be at the traveler’s cost”.

In terms of business travel, any person from a listed country who wants to visit South Africa, must apply, in writing, to the Minister of Home Affairs and must give reasons to be allowed to enter.

The listed countries are:

• Albania
• Argentina
• Armenia
• Austria
• Bahrain
• Belgium
• Bolivia
• Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Brazil
• Chile
• Columbia
• Costa Rica
• Croatia
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Ecuador
• France
• Georgia
• Greece
• Guatemala
• Guyana
• Honduras
• Hungary
• Iceland
• India
• Iran
• Iraq
• Ireland
• Israel
• Jamaica
• Jordan
• Kuwait
• Lebanon
• Luxemburg
• Maldives
• Malta
• Mexico
• Moldova
• Montenegro
• Nepal
• Netherlands
• North Macedonia
• Oman
• Palestine
• Panama
• Paraguay
• Peru
• Portugal
• Puerto Rice
• Qatar
• Romania
• Russia
• Slovakia
• Suriname
• Switzerland
• Ukraine
• United Emirates
• United Kingdom
• Venezuela

It has been reported that all countries in Africa automatically fall outside of the high-risk category of listed countries, so tourists will be allowed to travel to and from those countries regardless of the COVID-19 statistics.